The My Yield® Grower is today’s independent, progressive and innovative farmer who is taking control of his operation.
The My Yield® Grower doesn’t waste time waiting in line for treated seed. He doesn’t defer to others on what seed treatment to use on his farm. And he doesn’t get stuck with treated seed he can’t plant, return or sell.
The My Yield® Grower is confident in his ability to do the work himself. He cares enough to do it right. He uses a My Yield® seed treater so that he can treat his seed on his farm on his time.
The My Yield® Grower demands clarity. He wants to know that what he’s putting on his seed is precisely what he paid for. He uses My Yield® custom seed treatment blends so that he is certain to protect his seed investment in challenging times and unpredictable conditions.
The My Yield® Grower values accountability. He only works with those that stand behind their products. He respects that My Yield® built its seed treatment solution from the ground up for people like him. And he appreciates My Yield® standing beside him every step of the way.
The My Yield® Grower — independent, confident, clear-sighted and steadfast.